Notice to All Mobile Users
While the NCPI Connect Mobile app allows on-the-go and offline access to all NCPI Connect content, the courses and resources were optimized for desktop formats. When accessing content via the Mobile app, learners may occasionally need to utilize the zoom feature to fully engage with interactive activities. Learners may also note that instructions provided within the course are specific to desktop web access and may not align with common mobile app navigation.
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I create an account on the Mobile app?
Learners new to NCPI Connect must first create an account on the web at Once the new account has been confirmed, learners may log into the Mobile app.
How do I log into the Mobile app?
There are two ways to log into the Mobile app. Learners may use the QR code feature within their profile on the web to log into the Mobile app. When using the QR code, the computer and mobile device must be on the same network. The second option is to manually type the username and password to complete the login.
Where is the course catalog on the Mobile app?
Navigate to the course catalog on the Mobile app by selecting the three dots (…) and then selecting the Catalog option.
How do I enroll in a course on the Mobile app?
After navigating to the course catalog, scroll to view the list of courses and resources or use the search function at the top of the screen . Select the course, Click the “Enroll me” button, and then Click “OK”.
Why does content automatically download to my device when I select an activity?
To provide for a seamless learning experience, online or offline, when accessing an individual activity within a course, the activity automatically downloads to your device.
How do I download an entire course for offline access?
When planning ahead to take a course offline, it is best to download the entire course in advance while on WiFi. Enroll in the course, then locate and select the cloud icon at the top of the Course Home Page. When offline, the entire course will be available and activity completion will sync automatically when the device is back online.
What do I do after I download course files?
Nothing – downloaded course files are used automatically by the application if you do not have a good WiFi connection. Activity completion will sync automatically when the device is back online.
How do I clear downloaded files that are taking up storage on my device?
While on the home page of the app, select the three dots (…) in the lower-right corner, then select “App settings”. Select “Space usage” and then select the trash can icon to remove downloaded data. Removing downloaded data does not impact your progress in a course or activity.
The course I’m trying to access continues to spin and won’t load.
The NCPI Connect courses and resources have been developed for high-quality presentation of multimedia content which can result in large file sizes. Courses larger in file size will take longer to download and devices with low storage availability may not be able to store a course offline. In this instance, the web may be a better option for course completion.
I can’t open the course certificate on my device.
If a course certificate will not load or open on a mobile device, it may be due to the device settings. Troubleshoot by checking storage space, ensuring a stable internet connection, trying a different PDF reader or updating the operating system, disabling restrictions, and verifying app settings. Course certificates will be available on the web.
Who do I contact if I need assistance?
If you experience any difficulties navigating through the site or courses, please contact us by phone: 1-855-458-8274 or email: [email protected].