Utilizing NCPI’s public safety and curriculum development expertise to deliver three eLearning courses.
Our initiatives address nearly every public safety need, through a variety of services including training, technical assistance, technology-enhanced resources, research, assessments, awareness campaigns and more.
Here’s a sampling of NCPI’s recent and current programs.
Pathways to Resiliency: Preventing Violent Radicalization Through Community Policing
Addressing the threat of violent extremism and targeted violence through partnerships, problem solving, and community policing strategies.
Measuring What Matters: Building Trust and Legitimacy
Implementing Pillar One of the Recommendations set forth in the Final Report of The President’s Task Force on 21st Century Policing.
National Critical Response and Recovery Training and Technical Assistance Program for 21st Century Policing
Providing training and technical assistance services to law enforcement agencies nationwide engaged in a critical response effort in their communities.
COPS Hiring Program Cohort Support National Training and Technical Assistance Program
Strengthening the community policing capacity of COPS Hiring Program (CHP) grantee agencies by providing personalized training and technical assistance.
Strategic, Tactical, & Resilient Interdiction of Violent Extremism
Providing training for local officials, community members, and public safety personnel integrating community policing in order to counter violent extremism.
Virginia Judicial Security Initiative
Developing and delivering training designed to increase the safety of Virginia’s judges and their families and others working in the judicial system.
Virginia Courthouse Security Assessments
Assessing and securing the physical safety of all of Virginia’s courthouse facilities.
Community Policing Training and Technical Assistance Program
Strengthening the community policing capacity of COPS Hiring Program (CHP) grantee agencies by providing targeted training and technical assistance.
Tactical Community Policing for Homeland Security
Integrating community policing philosophy and practices into homeland security efforts.